dental implants

All You Need To Know About The Longevity Of Implants

Dental implants replace missing teeth so you can have a healthy smile, feel more confident, and improve the shape of your mouth and face. Missing teeth can lead to health problems like shifting teeth, bone loss, and a lower quality of life.

When a missing tooth leaves space in the mouth, the teeth still there can shift. This is called “teeth drifting.” When you shift your teeth, they get crooked, and there may be too much space between them, which can change the shape of your cheeks and jaw. It would help if you also thought bigger pieces of food could get stuck between teeth.

You could lose bone if you don’t use the right dental implant system. If you don’t chew or do anything to stimulate the area, your bone can shrink, changing how your face and mouth look. If you don’t like to show your teeth when you smile, it could also hurt the quality of your life.

You can replace your missing teeth with dental implants, which are strong and long-lasting. It’s a great way to improve your health and happiness.

What Are Dental Implants For Teeth?

Dental implants look like real teeth and are a permanent way to replace missing teeth. They need the same care as regular teeth and help keep your jaw’s shape. Dental implants from Hiossen can also keep your face from sagging if you don’t have all your teeth.

An insert is made up of three parts. First, the implant is a titanium post attached to your jawbone. It helps keep the crown in place. The abutment holds the tooth in place and keeps it from moving. It is attached to the implant. The third part is the tooth itself, called the crown. One of the most important things about dental implants is that the ceramic tooth looks like a real tooth and is attached to the abutment.

How Many Types Of Dental Implants Are There?

The three most common types of dental implants are endosteal, subperiosteal, and zygomatic. Endosteal is the most common and safest. Subperiosteal comes next, and zygomatic is the last and most complicated. It’s not often used.

What Are The Good And Bad Things About Getting Teeth Implants?

Some of the good things about getting dental implant surgery are:

  • Dentures don’t work as well as this.
  • Bone can continue to grow.
  • It can be bit and chewed on without slipping.
  • Easy to use and comfortable.
  • Doesn’t stress the teeth next to it.
  • Easy to take care of like normal teeth.
  • Implants work the same way real teeth do.
  • Last for life.
  • Not able to get old.
  • Keep the face and jawbone from falling apart.

One bad thing about dental implants is that they cost more upfront. On the other hand, the procedure saves money in the long run. You must also meet certain criteria, like having healthy bones and gums.

How Long Do Implant Teeth Last?

The implant has answers to these questions and concerns that will last a lifetime. If you take care of your teeth daily, you can have bright white teeth. Several studies show that dental implants can last for up to 20 years in the long run. Whether the tests looked at short-term or long-term use, dental implants could handle stress for at least a decade. Most crowns last between 10 and 15 years before they need to be changed.

Why Might Your Implants Stop Working Well Over Time?

Failure of a dental implant is most often caused by peri-implantitis and failed osseointegration. There are failures in the first few years or even the first six months after surgery. This is a disease of the gums. It sends an infection to your implants, which hurts the bone around the tooth. The condition can cause a tooth to become loose.

When your bone grows around the implant and makes it too stable, this is called “failed osseointegration.” It depends on how good your bones are, if you smoke if your dentist used bone grafting, and how they did the surgery.

Other things that affect how long dental implants last are your lifestyle and how well you care for your teeth. Because Hiossen uses modern technology, it rarely fails because of a rejection or because it doesn’t work right. But things like a medical condition before, a disease, or how the implants were used can affect how long they last.

People who smoke, have diabetes, or have other health problems like cancer are more likely to have their teeth fall out. Since the implant fuses with the jaw, you must also have a strong enough jaw bone to support the surgery. If you are losing bone and teeth, your dentist needs to look at your situation to find a safe and long-term solution. If your jawbone isn’t strong enough, you’ll need to do bone regeneration first.

Depending on your teeth, your implants may even get worse over time. If your teeth are in the back of your mouth, they will have to work harder when you chew, making them break more quickly. For the surgery to go well, it needs to be done by an expert in the field.

Last but not least, grinding your teeth can cause problems. Grinding can wear down the implants and cause them to break.

How to Make Sure Dental Implants Don’t Fail?

Even though dental implants can break down or fail, they can last a lifetime if they are taken care of properly. To keep your dental implants from failing, you must take care of your teeth daily. Good oral hygiene could add a few years to the average life of dental implants.

Even though taking care of your teeth and gums is a big part of keeping your dental implant in good shape, other things can also affect how long it lasts. Here are the top five things to think about when trying to make a dental implant last longer:

Your Oral Hygiene Practices

 Keeping your dental implant in good shape means brushing and flossing daily as part of a good oral hygiene routine. You should also go to the dentist regularly for good oral hygiene.

How you use your teeth: If you bite hard or chew on especially crunchy things, you may shorten the life of your dental implant. Using your teeth to open things or take off tags can also cause your dental implant to last less long.

How good the implant was and how good the dentist who put it in was: A dental implant like a Hiossen will last longer than one that isn’t as good. A high-quality dental implant can last for decades if placed and fused by a dentist with a lot of experience and who knows how to do it well.


A dental implant in the back of the mouth will have to deal with more pressure from chewing than an implant in the front of the mouth. Because of this, an implant in the back of your mouth will probably fail sooner than one in the front.

Your oral health and lifestyle as a whole: People who smoke or drink a lot of alcohol regularly are more likely to have their dental implants fail than people who don’t smoke or drink. Before and after getting a dental implant, you should try not to smoke or drink. This will help your implant last as long as possible.

If you stick to healthy habits and go to the dentist regularly, you may be able to make your dental implants last longer. You can visit our dental office for the best dental implant related treatment.

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